Wednesday, July 16, 2003

In school now using the computers which are supposedly better than the one I've got at home.

My old blog still can't be saved :(

Tam, Elaine, Sylvia and I spent the whole of Chinese [unofficial free period] asking each other stupid geography questions.

...Does anyone know what the capital of Holland is?

And are Delaware and Raleight states or cities?

Sylv: Who is the President of the USA?
Us: George Bush!
Tam: Who is the President of the Philliphines?
Us: Arroyo!
Me: What about Mongolia?
Tam: Gengkis Khan!

Tam says that the Italian guy's name sounds like a Pasta. I think he sounds like Broccoli.

They're having an Amaths mock test in class now. Should I gatecrash...?

Decided I shall. Off to do Vectors.
