Monday, March 08, 2004

Drama at Mustafa. My mum's in a big fit because a cashier "cheated" her (probably accidently) this afternoon of some money while she was checking out her shopping, after which she proclaimed loudly in the aisle that she'd boycott Mustafa from now on - this follows with Ian and I walking away very quickly and hiding behind the peanut butter shelf.

And the grand total lost:

40 cents.
Spare change.

And over a packet of Samosas. I mean, come on! Life's too short to worry about whether the Samosas cost $2.90 or $2.50. Just eat them and be happy! :D:D

Went for the church tour yesterday at St. Mary's where I played tourist in my own church. Found out that St Mary's is actually home to some of the Poor Clare nuns - they've got their own quarters at the back of the compound away from the main church. The nuns basically lead very cloistered lives and don't really have much contact with anyone else. They've actually got little private gardens in the church where they can hang out and I suppose that helps prevent them from going out of their minds with boredom. I wonder how they do it though? It sounds tough.
We ended the tour in the columbarian. That place is really freaky at night and not just because it houses dead people's ashes. Its built underground and is lit only by tiny candles and they are all these bronze statues of the saints, some of which are life-sized (St Francis looks particularly intimidating after dark). Plus they play opera music in there. Which makes it even worse. Waited there once alone for someone at 7pm and left after I got too creeped out. *shivers* But its quite a nice columbarian. Father John says that the niches aren't aligned in neat, vertical rows but are instead purposely arranged irregularly - just like bricks. Its supposed to symbolize how people (in this case, the ones buried there) sort of form the building blocks and foundation of the church itself. It sounds so much like something we'd say in a lit essay. In fact there's a lot of symbolism in the entire design of the new church. V. interesting. go for the church tour! :D

I used Ian's handphone last night to chat with someone - his phone is seriously under utilized! 200 minutes free talk time and he's not taking advantage of it at all...and I think the only sms he's sent ever since he got his phone was the one to me which said "I TOLD YOU SO" after I said he couldn't msg properly.

Yea but apparently, he's quite pissed off because I used his phone instead of mine (have a feeling my bill is going to hit the roof this month) and also because I didn't charge his phone after using it or something. So now whenever I talk to him he'll snap "Don't waste my talk time!" and give me a nasty look.

Ah well.

Hm. Blogging's not fun anymore. Suddenly find I have nothing to blog about. Hmmm...I must lead a very boring life :/

And the teachers have found our blogs. I don't know how. Hyperlinking is evil.
