Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Post-post Hiatus

Haha I read my previous post and I sound like a whiny bitch. I'm sorry I put you through that.

However I still maintain that Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri is overrated and is best borrowed, not bought.

Anyway I know I said I would try and blog more...and I tried! On March 19th at 12.15am and on March 21st 11.45pm I attempted to upload 2 posts, but blogger thwarted me and spewed out something about a 'system error.' Consequently, both posts vanished (yes Gabriel, I should've saved them) leaving me to fume, sputter and rant to innocent friends who happened to be on MSN.

If ever there were two star-crossed lovers in this day and age, it would be Me and Technology. It was just never fated to be.

On a sidenote (and because I am bored), my dear friend Jah would like you, the world, to know that the Southern Indian civilization is an illustrous one, having invented swings, curry powder and the tennis racket.

Jah: *earnestly over her Spinelli's coffee* And I don't know about you, but my people (a 2000 year old civilization) from the South also invented...the football field. And wanton noodles. And carpets. We were a sophisticated society man.

Maria: The chinese invented chopsticks!

Jeanne: And tea!

Maria: And gunpowder.

Jah: ...*indignant* You cowards! We invented the sword! Man-to-man combat!

Haha love you girls.

