Sunday, November 20, 2005

What is it with reality shows and obese people?

I was channel surfing yesterday after the prat crit paper and I happened to come across this show called the 'Biggest Loser'. Its something like Villa Wellness ...all these fat people who compete to lose the most weight. And the said person thus becomes known as the 'Biggest Loser'...of weight (if you didn't catch it).

I suppose when put in that context it begins to make sense but I think it is difficult to attach a positive connotation to that title when you hear some of the contestants blithely and shamelessly going 'I was so proud to be named the Biggest Loser by all my team mates! Its so gratifying to be called that!'. Like. I don't know. Its just kinda disturbing but at the same time rather hilarious. I wonder the latter effect was deliberate. Whilst I suppose it is good that the people on the show have taken some positive steps to change their bodies is it really necessary to use such a ...title as a reward for their efforts? It seems quite a mockery actually, but that's just me.

And the bad puns! During elimination rounds, the host ( of the Aunts in Sabrina, the teenage witch) cheesily intones that 'its time to cut the flab'. @_@ Then like whoever gets eliminated has the plug pulled out of these mini-fridges with their names on it, so the electric light inside goes out. I thought that was funny too.

I finally got down to reading Harry Potter today...the latest book. It was so disappointing! Half the time the characters are just making out over the place. And then someone dies rather unceremoniously. Sigh.

But I'm still going to watch the movie :D
