Monday, May 28, 2007

A Small Moment of Self-Praise

I made Bruschetta and Vegetarian pasta! I'm so proud of myself!

Incidentally, learning how to cook properly is one of my holiday resolutions. (see previous post)

I have moved up 0.5 points up the culinary scale! I now stand at a grand 4.5/10 on Dominic's (very arbitrarily decided) cooking chart!

Dom: So what can you cook?
Me: ...Well. I can make instant noodles...with an egg and vegetables...
Dom: Alright that makes you a 1.5 I think.
Me: And erh...I have basically mastered all the 'instant' ready-made foods...Oh does instant soup count?
Dom: What??!! Minus 0.5 for even mentioning instant soup!!
Me: Hey determining the precise amount of water is a serious business! ...oh oh wait, I can make pasta and fried rice...and sushi! That's a funky dish!
Dom: What kind of sushi do you make?
Me: California makis!
Dom: Oh wow makis! That bumps you up to a 4 I think!

I have come some way since last Sunday's pizza-making affair when a rather horrified Jaesson witnessed my bungled tomato massacre; I can now safely say that I'm able to chop tomatoes very neatly! I've got a system. Hahahaha.

My dad on the otherhand has no discernable system. Shafiqah and I were discussing how our parents never follow recipes or measurements when cooking. I think that's cool - its like they are guided by the force which tells them what to throw into the frying pan. There is oneness with the Kitchen god.

...Although I suppose this comes naturally with experience, which I sorely lack. Cool culinary forces thus do not call my name yet, nor do they beckon.

Anyhoo, I shall aim to reach a 10 on the cooking scale by August! I will also attempt to cook a full meal fit for consumption by living human beings. Wish me luck. Wish you even more luck if you get a dinner invite.
