Tuesday, July 22, 2003

My dad's found something else to rant about. It started early this morning when I woke up.

Dad: *enters living room* NEMO IS SENDING OUT THE WRONG MESSAGE!
Mum: *disinterested* Why?
Dad: Nemo was against keeping fishes in captivity, but look at what's happening now! *jabs newspaper* More people are buying Clownfish! Coral reefs will be destroyed!
Mum: Wow I didn't know you cared so much about the environment the way you waste electricity. Could you please turn off all the spotlights?
Dad: *not listening* Go tell your friends at school not to buy clownfish!

Don't buy clownfish. Save the coral reefs.

We used to have fish. 10 goldfish, 2 tilapias and 3 guppies. And we were stupid enough to put them in the same tank. The tilapias ate the goldfish up while we were on holiday which was gross because we came back to find goldfish carcasses *eek*
I guess it wasn't a good idea to flood the fishtank with fishfood just before we left and expect 15 fish to survive on that for 10 days [Dad's idea]
The tilapias were exiled to the longkang. Bloodthirsty buggers.

Have decided to restrict my going online to 3 days a week and not to IM more than an hour a day.

My hour's nearly up.

Bah. Prelims in 56 days.
