Sunday, March 21, 2004

Went over to Joel's house yesterday and just spent the whole afternoon lounging around his room surfing for better ring tones, getting high on chocolate and working our way through his PS2 games.

Still sore over my 3 consecutive defeats by Wakka while playing Kingdom of Hearts. Think I almost destroyed Joel's console after 20 minutes of vigourous button-pressing and violent rotations of the analog stick. Was stopped only after he looked up in alarm from his guitar and went "Mei! Chilll....".

And I'm seriously hooked onto FFX-2 now! I need to buy that game.... @_@ Ian thinks its too girly ("All they do is try on new clothes and slap each other hi fis!") it wasn't that bad...although the whole Charlie's Angels/MTV-style introduction was a bit...strange :/

As the holidays end and April draws nearer I'm sliding again into the kind of desperation I felt on the week of Night of Laughter. Was blatantly promoting Midsummer's Night Dream over MSN this morning, this time to Thomas, who in turn was trying to sell NJ's choir performance to me.

Me: Come for ACSian theatre's latest production! :D:D:D:D:D
Thomas: I know! If I buy tickets for that you can buy my choir tickets - ONLY 15 bucks!
Me: Yea! Drama tickets are ONLY 20 bucks so its a great deal isn't it?
Thomas: HOHO! Great deal! So you can buy TWO 10 dollar tickets and take along your boyfriend!
Me: I'm not paying for the extra ticket! But anyway, come can choose from a wide variety - 1, 2, 3 and 4 April. There's singing, dancing and acting!
Thomas: Eh....We've got SINGING, singing and MORE singing! :D

Then started to tell Thomas why we decided to stretch the production over 4 days instead of the original 2 - the theatre we wanted to use got flooded in so we had to move to a smaller one which could seat less and as a result, ended up with all these excess tickets. So we extended the performance to include Thursday and Sunday. After which he started quoting econs to me: "Haha! this is when supply exceeds demand! :P "

Thomas!!! >.<

The drama people are coming back from South Africa tomorrow. Time to start making calls again!

Postscript: After today I have concluded that MOE's school posting system is seriously screwed.
