Saturday, October 02, 2004

Anjali: *months ago. Whining* You haven't blogged in eons....
Me: Well... I can promise that I'll blog once a month.
Anjali: ...OH WOW.

Elaine: *even more months ago* BLOG DAMN IT.

Resolution: To blog more frequently. Entries should not be pointless.

Having Chinese promos next monday. I think the sole purpose of Chinese exams nowadays are to see how badly we fail because passing seems a distant dream for at least 3/4 of the population. Every wednesday, Mel, John and I hide outside our history classroom waiting for our Chinese teacher and her class to vacate the room because we seem to have developed this phobia of her. So its like, 3 people standing in a line (according to height for some strange reason), pressed against the wall, out of sight. Then Sir will come along, give us weird looks and wave energetically at our Chinese teacher going 'They're over here!!!'

We had a substitute Chinese teacher a few weeks ago. It was pretty weird because she was like some human tape recorder. Her speech was limited only to a few phrases which she would repeat over and over again with little variation regardless of whatever question we asked her. Then when we asked her something which she couldn't possibly give her standard response to - ie: "Do your homework...Be Quiet...Do your homework...Be Quiet...there are still 2 more minutes to the bell" - she just acted like she didn't hear! =/ Seriously freaky. Gwen says that at least I'm lucky I didn't get her ex-Chinese teacher whom I heard is really nasty. Her brother calls her 'Satan' which I suppose says quite a lot.

Sometimes I feel sorry for Chinese teachers. But not really enough to make me memorize all those idioms and phrases which don't make sense like 'throwing faggots into the fire'. Something really gets lost in translation over there.

Went back to Crescent last tuesday as part of the AC Outreach programme. It was kinda fun though we didn't do much except help pass questions from the girls to the teachers in charge. Then Lawrence Ang told everyone that swimming PE was compulsory in AC "because we have a swimming pool" and the entire hall went "HAAAARRRRHHH???" Haha...always evokes that kind of response. Think they're trying to get this year's cohort of hockey girls into AC - Joelle! You have to come!! :D:D:D:D

Fun fact: Apparently horseback riding is a CCA in AC!
