Friday, April 23, 2004

Went for the scholarship interview on Monday. Not good at all! Won't comment too much here but I think I wouldn't mind so much if I actually do get the rejection letter. But I still can't get over the fact that I caved in to a woman with bad eyeshadow who talked down to me like I was a kid >.<

Interesting geog lesson yesterday. Sir and John had an intense and fierce competition to see whose pencil box contained the most items.

Sir: *pulls out sweets* Hah, do you have this?
John: ...I have Listerine. *pulls out Listerine pocket pack*
Sir: *pulls out post-it pads* What about this??
John: Eh...I have a Swiss Army Knife. *pulls out knife*
Sir: *reaches in and out of pencil box* Handphone?
Blotter paper??
Tissue paper???
John: *pulls out a 1 dollar coin from his pencil case* Well I have the money to buy tissue paper.
Sir: *growing irritated* Paper clips???
John: Last time I had an entire sewing kit in my pencil case.
Sir: *pulls out the projector remote control* Well you don't have a remote control in your pencil case so forget it.
John: Darn. Well I still have more stationery than you. *pulls out all the pens he has* One....two....three....four....five....six....

And Mel and I are just sitting there laughing away.

And Kb is still making do without a pencil case after he left it in the LT 4 months ago. I don't know how he does it!

Playing captain's ball using the rugby ball is fun. But it transforms everyone into violent little things. Ian! You know my traumatic experience =p
