Saturday, May 08, 2004

Went for lunch at NYDC yesterday. After much pestering, Kb finally takes out this canned drink from his bag and slams it onto the table - Sparkling Oldenlandia water: a mixture of carbonated water and extract of Oldenlandia (some kind of plant. I think.) made in China - proclaiming that its the worst drink he's ever tasted in his life and how he'd rather drink aqueous ammonia.

Kb: I dare you to drink one first you'll want to die...then you'll realize that its an...experience of a lifetime.
Me: ...Will I puke?
Kb: *evil smile* Well I can't guarantee that.

Took a sip in the end.

It tastes like...really carbonated grass juice >.< Or liquified cigarette ash. Quite bad. *gag*

Then kb put the can on the floor and I guess one of us must've accidently kicked it over while eating, because we later discovered that his bag was sitting in a huge puddle of Oldenlandia juice on the floor. Subsequently called for the bill and made a hasty getaway before anyone noticed the spill :/

Kb went home to disinfect his bag.

Just came back from the physical geog test. What can I say? I want to drop geog. Like really soon.
I couldn't even tell if the boulders were round or angular! *oops* For the mini-essay question, I drew a diagram to illustrate the formation of this granite landform but it ended up looking more like a pile of mentos stacked up rather haphazardly. Then I killed the paper and my hand trying to fill in the actual essay in ten minutes. Ended up with a very very messy test script with these weird round figures in boxes. Oh well.

Going to go bury my head in a pillow or something. Then I'll wake up and go watch American Idol, get my kicks and be a Happy Girl again. :)
