Thursday, March 02, 2006

Whoopeee! The results are out and the tedious wait is finally over! If I relief teach I get a pay rise now because I actually have higher qualifications! (so I've heard)

Some people mentioned I didn't look 'happy' to receive my results. I think its just my face. I look sullen sometimes when I'm really just stoned, nervous or tired. Don't mind my face. You should pretend its not there; really. I get rude shocks when people take candid shots of me mooching around and I end up looking very...unapprochable. gulp.

Anyway I AM SHORT ON CASHFLOW. I don't know where all the money went to. I do know that $10.90 went to Body Shop's coffers - undeservingly! (see previous entry) And I do know I spent obscene amounts in Watsons which has become my new haunt, and I, its new resident ghoul trawling the beauty/body section. Perhaps some went to misc expenses And Guardian water of which Gwen is always taking a swig from. And the occassional cab. But other than all that - where'd it go??


I think I need to keep a book of all my expenses.
