Saturday, January 28, 2006

Paris Hilton: "Every woman should have 4 animals in her life; A mink in her wadrobe, a jaguar in her garage, a tiger in her bed, and a jackass to pay for everything."

Strangely enough - and I can't believe I'm saying this - that's probably the most quotable and halfway sensible quip Paris Hilton has come up with. I'm still reeling over the 'Barbie is my role model' line.

And for the record, I've spent 37 hours in front a computer this entire week, keying in about 10 000 names into the clinic's database. SAVE ME! Well at the very least I'm getting paid and its pretty decent pay I suppose. And my boss is nice too!

On the other hand, my very short teaching stint was not bad at all. An average of 1 tutorial class per day and the pay was very comfortable indeed. I've also found out that regular staffroom entertainment in Oldham wing is rushing to the windows and securing a good spot to watch students who shoddily attempt to skip school by climbing over the backgate! This of course is followed by various threats including 'Stop! We've got a camera!' and occasional mutterings like 'Pon school also don't know how to pon properly...'. Teachers can be so hilarious when out of the classroom - seriously! Another popular form of staffroom entertainment was (and still is I suspect) inspecting what people wore to work. In fact, the entire Geog department doubles up as the resident fashion police squad with Ms Leow at the helm. Our morning routine included reporting to Ms Leow and having her give us the once-over before deeming us fit for public viewing. Then off to assembly.

And speaking of fashion, this actually came off a runway in Barcelona and is the most bizzare thing I've ever seen.

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Now. What is that???? We're seriously breaking away from fashion reality and drifting dangerously into UFO land.

Its practically fluroscent. Like some futuristic mosquito coil. Or a variant of that monster on the posters for Korean horror flick, Infection. Perhaps a very scary abayaa or raincoat? An unimaginative Halloween costume masquerading as avante garde fashion? I don't know. Weird doesnt even begin to describe it. What do you think?
