Sunday, January 01, 2006

Ok it looks like I haven't kept to my post- A resolution to blog more. Oh well.

Think I've been procrastinating on a lot of things this December. I suppose I better start on those things I'm supposed to do pretty soon. Grr.

Random thought: I hope I can get into Law. I don't think I have given my future much thought and now the prospects are quite scary.

Well anyway, Happy New Year to everyone! Went to the Eski bar place yesterday out of curiousity. I think pubs are wasted on me since I don't drink and that's the whole point of going to a pub isn't it? So Gz ended up finishing three-quarters of my drink and getting all red in the face. (whoops) Here I must add: Why are the drinks considered 'sweet' by many people never sweet to me??? Is there some problem with my tastebuds? And Sylvia thinks I'm prone to getting stone drunk easily - yea right!

But anyway, it was an ...extremely Cold experience. Apparently the temperature is set close to freezing point, and they loan out these cute Japanese-tourist-esque windbreakers/jackets for people who haven't anything warm to put on. I suppose its quite smart because maybe people buy more drinks if its cold? Haha random speculation.

Sigh need to get a life. And a job.
