Friday, January 06, 2006

I'm sick!

Anyway to all the people going into army today, good luck and good bye!

Went to Simply Bread yesterday with Sarah, Gwen and Pea where we ordered Everything...yea that's actually the name of a sandwich. Its for people who can't decide what they want in their sandwich so they just go for every filling they have. It was actually quite good; Like a healthy version of a Hamburger. Then Sarah's mum (who bought us lunch) put us all to shame when she told us enthusiastically about the 42.5 km marathon she'd just completed. 42.5km!! Does such a number exist?? She's so...out of this world. I can't even run a quarter of that distance!

Gwen: Hey Sarah, your mum started running when she was 19. So if you start now, you can be as hot as her when you're her age!

Haha we're all being upstaged by our mums! Seriously. I went to this shop at Bugis Village the other day with my own mum, and this over zealous salesguy started gushing about how much 'fashion sense' my mum had before looking at me and then looking away. Sigh. Depressing.

Ok I severely digress :P

So anyway, after a bitchfest-slash-gossip session yesterday, we have again proven Sarah's theory that we are the Mean Girls incarnate, complete with sharpened claws and spiteful hisses. All of us are, to some extent, catty Reginas underneath the guise of our humdrum, boring, scandal-deprived lives! Particularly after we indulged shamelessly in ice cream and yet another fascinating tale (in a long string of tales in fact) about persons who harbour severe delusions of grandeur. Complete with token interjections of 'Oh my god she did that?' and 'she's such a (insert derogatory comment)!'.

I think its a no-brainer that every girl (and perhaps every guy) is disposed to bitching. So is anyone ever truly nice? I think nice is an overused word. Like when we lack adjectives to describe people we hardly know or even those we think we know, we fall back saying 'oh, he/she is nice'. So then what is nice anyway? Alternatively, we say someone is 'nice' to justify a subsequent long tirade about that person, so we feel better about ourselves. So then is niceness also becoming self-serving? Like, we think we've at least brought up that one redeeming, positive factor (however meagre), so it makes our bitching about someone more 'balanced'. So then I guess we'd be not much more better that whoever it is we're talking about.

But hey, this is probably something we already know. Haha ok time to stop overrationalizing and acting smart!

And in any case, I suppose bitching can also be therepeutic can't it? It lets out unexpressed anger and annoyance lest we turn these destructive emotions onto ourselves!

But then again, that's probably me justifying myself.
