Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Sort of had like an old neighbour's gathering yesterday. Mum, Ian and I had lunch with Joelle and her mum.. minus the other ex-neighbour who-shall-not-be-named for once! She's been trailing along for our yearly lunches for the past 2 years, 'leaching off' (as Ian puts it) while making unfavourable comments about other peoples' weight. Sigh. Do I sense my nasty side rearing its head? Oh well.

Anyway, these meetings fall into a very predictable pattern after a while; a confrontation inevitably ensues after each meal (which happens to be a lot - lunch, dessert, tea and dinner). It always goes something like:

Mum: I'll pay this time.
Joelle's mum: *as if she heard the most appalling thing ever* Huhh? No no no I'll pay ....
Mum: *waves it aside* No no no I'll pay...its my treat.
Joelle's mum: *frantically* No! Its alright! *pulls out wallet*
Mum: *violently* NO!! You have a family to feed!
Jo's mum: But you paid last year!
Mum: You can pay next year then! *whips out credit card*
Jo's mum: No really! Don't do this! *whips out her own card*
Mum: *intones to waitress* Don't accept her card!

I mean they literally arm wrestled to give their Visas to the rather befuddled waitress. After every meal! Haha and then when Ian suggested they split the bill they gave him another shocked look.

'No la....can afford it....why split the bill...'
'No! Don't you pay!'

On the upside, my mum tends to be very generous on such occasions! Went on a shopping spree that same day, where we spent 2 hours in Guess. Whooppee! Joelle, we should really have more of such lunches/teas/dinners! Of course Ian naturally got quite bored with all the fussing over Guess bags. And whilst we lingered at a shop he did a detour, walked through the entire Citylink, browsed in HMV, bought a CD and came back to where we were standing, still contemplating which toiletry bag looked prettier. Then he made some abrupt excuse to leave and we found him that evening at home playing computer games. Sigh. So typical.

anyway, going off to town now to get craft materials. See you!
