Friday, January 13, 2006

Was on the phone with Gwen 2 days ago.

Gwen: Jeanne...I want a boyfriend who's rich and dying.
Jeanne: Oh so now you want a boyfriend after you rejected my attempts to match make you.
Gwen: But that guy wasn't even rich and dying!
Jeanne: Well he was one of the two! So that counts for something.
Gwen: Oh. Which one then? Rich? Or old and dying?
Jeanne: ...He's serving NS now, what do you think?
Gwen: *dismissively* Ah so he must be dying then.

I've suddenly found myself with 3 jobs! And possibly four come March so I'll have to quit something! Don't ask me how or why I landed up in this situation!

Working is stressful. >.<

Its strange that while I used to complain about wanting to find a job, now I wish I were unemployed and enjoying my free time. Life plays very strange tricks. Very strange indeed.

Next week I relief teach at AC. Time to start brushing up on the origins of the Cold War and Nukes.
