Sunday, November 07, 2004

Haha really love going out with Gwen. We always do really stupid things when we're outside and have a good time laughing the whole day about it.

So after doing some stuff for drama a couple of days ago, went with her to orchard to go shopping (more like window shopping as it later turned out). Then we met Kohshay in Far east who told us that she had seen Pea loitering around Orchard with her own friends. After exchanging significant looks with Gwen, immediately rang Pea up.

Me: Ey where are you?
Pea: *suspicious* Why?
Me: I'm just asking...where are you...?
Pea: *suspicious* Why? In Wheelock. Why? Are you in the area?
Me: Maybe.
Pea: *stroke of brilliance* Are you with Gwen?
Me: Maybe.
Pea: *another stroke of brilliance* Are you going to come to look for me?
Me: Maybe.
Pea: *dead serious* If I see either one of you...I'm going to kill you.

Geez! What happened to best friends who act all excited when they bump into you in town? Sigh.

So anyway.

Me: *stroke of brilliance* Are you with a guy or something?
Pea: Yea I'm with like 10 guys. I'm serious. I'm going to kill you if you 2 show up.

We're all best friends and we respect each other and everything. And so we did what we usually do when Pea issues us the ultimatum - ignore it. Headed over to Wheelock after we completed our window shopping in Far East. Searched all over for her till we spied her in Sakae Sushi...with a few girlfriends and not with any 10 guys. Gwen thinks she was probably refering to all the guys who were sitting at the tables around hers.

Me: Pea you lied! I don't see any guys.
Gwen: *grabbing the phone* Liars burn in hell you know.
Pea: *cranky* Go to hell. And tell Jeanne I was being sarcastic duh.
Me: Anyway how come you don't want us to meet you?
Pea: *answering with Pea logic* Ey you know I've seriously seen lots of your school people today la.
Me: ...Um so if you see us would that be one too many? Aiya we saw tons of your school people in town too anyway.

So crashed her gathering where she gave us this very typical grouchy Pea Look and promptly started calling us stalkers while gesticulating wildly.

Haha I love Pea so much. Even though we tease her a lot :P
