Wednesday, September 03, 2003

English prelims today. Compo was so-so. Think my tense went a bit haywire. Article sounded more like a speech.
Gwen and I wrote on 'Victory'. She wrote about some bastard child whose mother dies and he's got to live with his stepbrother. She got so caught up with the story that she forgot her protaganist's name halfway so she just used "my brother" throughout. Then she forgot his gender later. Haha you rock Gwen!
But overall the compo part wasn't so bad I guess.

Then. There was compre.


Someone in the English department must have a serious obsession with travelling to Asia. Without fail, the passage is always about some Caucasian guy with too much time on his hands and wants to "find himself" and goes flying all about the world to places like rural India, Mongolia, [or in this instance] Nepal... >.<

Then once he's there he always has to go on some stupid journey in the countryside which will be, obviously, full of "difficulties and dangers" like...wild tropical storms or climbing trees with bees or trudging about aimlessly in a desert...or climbing up some mountain or sleeping on a boat with no toilet...and that crap takes up about nine long paragraphs which we have summarize into 160 words later. Bah.

And if its not about the self-discovery trip to Asia its about animals. Like African elephants. Or wild dogs. Or elephants in India. Or elephants being hunted. They like elephants a lot too yea.

Ho-hum. I wonder if they modeate for English? Maybe the school will be as kind as they were when we were in sec 2. 20 whole marks for our Maths papers! Passed by 2 marks only in the end though. And my mum was amazed.

And according to Sylvia, the fish monger was just next door complaining about how few A1s she had gotten, oblivious to the death glares she was getting. Hah. Wish I'd been there to see that.

Need new glasses. Pronto.
