Saturday, August 23, 2003

This is a bad sign. It might be an omen.

First a B3 for Chinese.
Now an F9 for CCA.
I hope this won't be a reflection of grades at O's.

My mum thinks I deserve the F9 though.

Mum: "HAH. THIS WILL TEACH YOU. I hope you realize the foolishness of your youth!"

Eugh. That sounded like a line from a badly dubbed Chinese Drama Serial. Thankfully she toned it down after a while.

Mum: "See la. Make me fetch you to school all those Saturdays and instead you go pon CCA...serves you right."


Gave a copy of my CCA slip to Dorai who seems quite horrified. She said she'll do something. Then Mr M caught me during lunch and asked for a copy of my CCA slip. Gee. News travels fast in the staffroom.

[And of course we can do the whole blame game again...]

Its KLS's fault!! I went for half the year!! Check the record book man! I have *some attendance!

There. That's a load off me.
[Ahh. This won't help at all. Why am I crapping.]

Open house-cum-Arts Awareness Week tomorrow. Argh. Given up even looking at the tourguide script. It'll have to be an impromptu. Shall just peek at the FAQ during my lunchbreak tomorrow before I go for my shift. They've placed us on duty during peak hour! :
Rehearsal in the Arts Theatrette today for ushers. Shraddha proved that she's got much more screws loose up there.

Shradhha: *sidling up to wall, fascinated* Oooo! The walls absorb sound! *leans right up to wall and whispers* Hi Wall-ey! *cocks head and listens before turning to us* Wall-ey says Hi to you!
Me: Jump into the Wall Shraddha.
Shradhha: *presses ear to wall* ...Wall-ey says that's not a good idea.

Sorry Shrads, but people who count sound-proof walls as friends do have problems.

Did some Lit with her later. I still don't get her point about the submarine.

Shrads: You see...the submarine is forced down, which is likened to Kingshaw under pressure from Hooper. And then it emerges again in a stream of bubbles so that's like...Kingshaw's sucide
Me: ...You mean, like, how Kingshaw's body was found floating in the stream?
Shrads: No noo..because with Kingshaw's death, he escapes from Hooper's clutches and the bullying only Hooper doesn't realize it and so in a way that's like the submarine which rises up in the water. Because you see the pressure lets up right? So...
Me: Ah...
Denise: *toddles over* Isn't that a bit far fetched?
Shraddha: No no Shraon Goh said something like that before *carries on arguing*
Denise: *turns to me* Can we do Warings?
Shraddha: NO wait! We haven't finished the submarine point! You see...

Then the band started playing so we had to shut up. [Jithra! It was a bikini! Don't lie!] Yea and Jithra was wearing a bikini over the leotard while she was doing the drums...though she claims she wasn't. Heh.
Mrs Lee got the samba costumes from STC in, like, 2 days. Woa. That was quick.
The head dresses look real Madi Gras. Colourful.
ACSI bagpipes band will be the closing item.
Jus's interested to know if they'll be wearing kilts.

Will be escorting an Inuone San and his wife onto the stage tomorrow. Note to self: Inuone is not a woman's name. I keep on refering to him as Ms. Inuone :|

Mrs Arfat Selvam. Not Arafat Selvam.
MP for Tanjong Pagar GRC. Not Tanjong Katong.
Ms (Mrs?) Lena Saint-George Sweet. Not Lena Sweet.

Have to get everything right by tomorrow.

Bright and early at 7.45 in courts!
