Friday, October 10, 2003

*blows out the candles*

As of today I can watch NC16 movies!! Thank you very much for reminding me Thomas and Matt. Pity I don't really have time to go watch movies now though...*grumble*

Got the Bling Bling CD from Anj, Gwen and Pea today! I think Gwen wanted to give it to me tomorrow though since we're celebrating the Jeanne-Ann joint birthday bash on the 10th. [Ann's bday is on the 11th] Quite an awkward situtation this morning. Sat between Pea and Gwen who were arguing over my present.

Pea: Eg Gwen, we're giving Jeanne the present now horh...*rummages through bag*
Me: Yaaaay...
Gwen: *stares* NO! Not now!
Pea: *stares back* Why not?
Gwen: Give it tomorrow! Then we can give her and Ann their presents together!
Pea: Give Ann's present now too then!
Gwen: Give it tomorrow! I didn't bring Ann's present today!
Pea: C'mon la its Jeanne's birthday today already! And she hasn't even got any presents yet...*has a "let's take pity on present-less Jeanne" look*
Me: *protesting* HEY! I got a present from Ann this morning already! And -
Pea: *ignoring me* I'm giving now la...*searches around for the CD in her bag...*
Gwen: OI! NO!!

Yiming called me in the afternoon to wish me a happy birthday but I couldn't really hear him because there was some other guy speaking Chinese quite loudly over the phone. Hey, who was that anyway?

Blah. I've been exploring all other possibilities but no matter how I look at it, NJC is actually becoming [and I hate to say this] a very....viable option......... :|

Farrah: *earlier this year* DON'T go to NJ!! Worst decision of my life!!! *shakes head fervently* Don't ever go there!!!
Renuka: *joins in enthusiastically* OH YES don't go there!! Dead school!! Really!
Me: *nods head vigorously* I agree! I agree!

This must be what they call irony.

I still am tempted to go AC...I can wake up late and walk back home from school if I forget books! But now Gwen's refusing to go with me. She's basing this on the advice of her brother!! [Gwen!! We had a promise!!]

Gwen: Orh. My brother says that in AC all the AC people sit in one corner *sweeps hand to the right*, all the MGS people sit in another *sweeps hand to the left* and all the extras sit in another corner! *waves hands about violently* And they'll only talk to you if they think you're funky or you're chio la.
Me: .....*not giving up* But I can wake up late and walk back home -
Pea: Why on earth do you want to go back home so early for?! Then you have no excuse to stay out late and party!
Gwen: You should go to RJ. Do you know why? Because they are tons of extras there so you can just blend in! *sweeps hand violently again*
Me: ...are you saying that -
Pea: *nods* Yes RJ is better. Don't waste your options.
Gwen: *carries on* No really. RJ's not as cliquish. Even HC is better.
Me: What?! Whatabout the Chinese High cliq -
Gwen: *speaks very fast* HC people are funky. Really. You should go there. Or to RJ. You should never go to AC do you hear?
Me: Gwen! You were supposed to go with me to AC to do Arts!
Gwen: Ah. I said I would think about it but I never said I would. I'll only go if a big bunch of Crescent people go.
Me: So where are you going?
Gwen: *looking supremely unconcerned* I don't know. *starts on second bowl of rice*

Gah. I should just enjoy my birthday. What's left of it anyway.
