Thursday, November 20, 2003

Exams are over!

Went ot Suntec so Ann could get her hands on the Return of the King posters. Or rather, Orlando Bloom posters. That place we went to was great! Vosh Studios or something. They've got everything from postcards to teeshirts to those wallet-size pictures. Gwen and I went mad when we saw Final Fantasy stuff and had quite a fun time choosing FFX posters for ourselves. We got stuck between a poster of Tidus posing in a lake with a rainbow behind him (dubbed "Sunny boy" by Pea) and one of Yuna posing in another lake against this nice crimson/purplish backdrop ("Autumn Girl")

Got Sunny Boy for myself in the end so now I have a nice, colourful picture of Tidus grinning in a lake in my room. Gwen eventually picked the one with Tidus and Yuna posing together in yet another lake. Also concluded that Yuna just looks seriously wrong in FFX-2.

Steph sent me something in the mail a couple of days ago. Some psychological test formulated by an American psychologist to see if you have the makings of a psychopath this is a question you wouldn't really want to get right I guess:

A girl's mother died and during her mum's funeral she met a handsome guy whom she instantly fell for. She kept obsessing about the guy even after the funeral. A week later she killed her sister - Why?

Asked around. Everyone instinctively thinks that a) Her sister was chioer than her. b) The guy was her sister's husband or c) More inheritance.

Surprisingly, my dad actually got the answer after a few tries. Without any hints.

Dad: *roaring from the living room* I've GOT IT! Haha!
Me: Whaaa-at?? I don't believe you. What's your answer then?
Dad: *very smug* Haiya...because she wanted to see if the guy would turn up at her sister's funeral mah...*smug grin*
Me: Omg...You may be a psycho!!
Dad: No I'm just creative :P


Going Sentosa tomorrow. Am seriously broke. Better start saving again.
