Wednesday, October 22, 2003

QUOTE of the week:

*in the bus*
Anjali: *singing* You say Po-TAE-to!
Gwen: *singing along* I say Po-TAH-to!
Anjali: You say To-MAE-to!
Gwen: I say To-MAH-to!
Anjali: You say Asshole!
Gwen and me: I say Arsehole!

Oh c'mon QING..I'm not that scary and my claws are not that sharp either =p *smile pat pat*

Interesting question asked by a college student as part of a simple experiment:

Is di-hydrogen monoxide poisonous?

Asked a couple of people this today. Interesting responses! Haha I liked this one - "Its not in the syllables anymore."

di-hydrogenmonoxide is water! =D

And the guy who went around asking that question got some award for his "work" in analyzing human psychology or stf liddat. Not bad.

Feel cheated over the Bio pract. It was just so ...... Just looked at leaves and counted sqaures. Hardly a practical. Bah. Mostly common sense questions - which is bad because as Anjali says "if your sense isn't...common....well...*cough*".
And people say I have warped logic. So.

Ah...our school spotted correctly! That...pea pod thingee :O

Am slacking. Paused to read Lestat the Vampire today while doing SS notes which was a stupid thing to do for two reasons. First is obvious. The second being because I only read the first 5 pages of Interview with a Vampire so I had no idea what Lestat was refering to when he talked about Louis in a couple of chapters.

Hope MOE won't set questions on Venice and Housing again. But you never know right? *sigh* Anyway. Read to the part where Lestat had some plan to go to Paris and become an actor (but then he went mad after killing a pack of wolves) before tearing myself away from the book. Aah. It was good. I want to read the whole Vampire Chronicles now.

I think I'm going to HC and RJ open house tomorrow. Gwen and I want to go there straight in school uniform. Anjali doesn't want to because she's afraid other people will come up to us and go "Crescent people can make it to RJ/HC meh??" like that girl in ACJC. I told them to just pretend to be PRC scholars and speak with fabulous-sounding Chinese accents if anyone asks that. Best still, wave those 2 points around!

Shuts people up immediately doesn't it.
