Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Ok the cookies turned out edible...though rather strange in appearance. I guess you can bake with a microwave oven after all. I think Gwen enjoyed eating the cookie dough more than the actual cookies itself though...she wanted to spread it over bread and eat it. Then we carved smiley faces into the back of the cookies once they were done.

I feel so tired and...stretched. Had another history S class...I literally get a headache just by sitting in that class for over an hour. Its like. An information overload. All these new (and very complicated) concepts are being thrown onto my head for the first time. Though technically I was supposed to look through the readings beforehand - and that's another major headache. Why can't historians just get to the point in simple, understandable English? I wish we had breaks. At least I'd have a bit more time to digest stuff. I don't like thinking anymore.

I checked my calender. History S class falls on Valentine's Day! They can't do that...can they? Ok actually I guess they can. Hmpf.

Lessons last week were exceedingly uncomfortable and almost funny in a certain sense. I agree with independent learning and reading up but I dislike it when people go on and on about stuff which is yes, interesting, good for general knowledge and whatever, but nonetheless rather out of point, and then barely skim over the more important and relevant stuff which would actually help us when it matters. And then at the end, say 'oh read up all the examples by yourself' as if it justifies a lesson which was only good for about 5 minutes. I'm sorry. But its true. I just don't like wasting time. I rather watch Discovery for all that stuff you go on about anyway. So just spoonfeed us for now.
