Sunday, October 12, 2003

We're in dilemma.

This family lives on 2 things. Entertainment and food. But now we have been forced to make a crucial decision which will last until the electrician comes. And that could take...well. A while.

We realized today that turning on the power for the kitchen stove trips the system causing ALL forms of entertainment and recreation in the house to shut down instantly - TV, radio, computer....airconditioning :| My brother got cut off in the middle of watching Matrix Reloaded and started screaming. So now we can only either watch TV/use the computer/enjoy airconditioning OR cook.

Mum: It must be the stove which is causing everything to trip! *switches on the stove*
Ian: *Matrix blacks out again* HEYY!!
Mum: *goes to check the powerbox* Yes! One switch is down! *flips the switch back up* Let me try again to make sure! *goes back to kitchen and switches on the stove. Computer and TV black out again* Yes! I think it is the stove! *goes back to powerbox*

So she toggles back between the kitchen and the powerbox for about 5 times until she's convinced that its the stove's fault. And all the time my poor computer's going on, off, on, off, on, off...

Hopefully this won't last.

Am still addicted to that Coke song. Someone's calilng me a Chihuahua already.
