Wednesday, November 30, 2005

A's are over!! Or rather they've been over a long time ago, but its taken a while to sink in :P
Hopefully now that work's out of the way for good, this blog will 'come back to life' (to quote Gwen). But in the meantime I'm catching up on half a year's worth of Sims2 ..haha can't get enough of controlling other people.
On a side note I need a job! I told that to my mum a few days ago and she promptly hired me ... to do housework @_@ Haha cleaning and dusting wasn't exactly what I had in mind but she's paying me $10/hour! So I'm gladly accepting.

I've come to realize from Sarah and my own personal experience that the concepts of Brothers and Bribery are beginning to converge. Due to circumstances, I have accepted my brother's help for some project over the holidays. And for his services I am to provide him with new playstation games for Christmas. We initially agreed on 2 games but recently he's been very insistent in asserting that I acquiesced to 3 and even 4, which I definitely do not remember! But anyway. Please let me know of any place that sells cheap pirated PS2 games, thank you.


Sunday, November 20, 2005

What is it with reality shows and obese people?

I was channel surfing yesterday after the prat crit paper and I happened to come across this show called the 'Biggest Loser'. Its something like Villa Wellness ...all these fat people who compete to lose the most weight. And the said person thus becomes known as the 'Biggest Loser'...of weight (if you didn't catch it).

I suppose when put in that context it begins to make sense but I think it is difficult to attach a positive connotation to that title when you hear some of the contestants blithely and shamelessly going 'I was so proud to be named the Biggest Loser by all my team mates! Its so gratifying to be called that!'. Like. I don't know. Its just kinda disturbing but at the same time rather hilarious. I wonder the latter effect was deliberate. Whilst I suppose it is good that the people on the show have taken some positive steps to change their bodies is it really necessary to use such a ...title as a reward for their efforts? It seems quite a mockery actually, but that's just me.

And the bad puns! During elimination rounds, the host ( of the Aunts in Sabrina, the teenage witch) cheesily intones that 'its time to cut the flab'. @_@ Then like whoever gets eliminated has the plug pulled out of these mini-fridges with their names on it, so the electric light inside goes out. I thought that was funny too.

I finally got down to reading Harry Potter today...the latest book. It was so disappointing! Half the time the characters are just making out over the place. And then someone dies rather unceremoniously. Sigh.

But I'm still going to watch the movie :D


Friday, November 18, 2005

Literature in daily life:
An instance of dramatic irony

Dad: *muttering* All these local 'fast food' outlets...sold their souls to Western consumerism...exchanged tradition for the lightweight and superficial...*muttermutter*
seconds later when we drive by Shell
Dad: *enthusiastically* Junkfood, anyone?

Bathos if I ever saw one!

On the subject, I feel my whole life has been a continuous bathos. But oh well. Shall not start about that here.

Anyway, on an extremely positive note - I've survived a week of exams!!!! Well almost a week. Its friday and I have a pract crit paper in a while hence the above pract crit-ish analysis.

Antithesis for comic effect
A friend: *lamenting about exams* are apathetic and I am just pathetic.

But it is true that I have become rather indifferent lately. Maybe studying and the subsequent mental repetitive syndrome actually desensitizes you. I think it is also because of the implicit understanding that regardless how disappointingly I do (cross fingers), at least I'll have 3 months of fun before I have to deal with it :P

Its also quite hard to comprehend that I may actually never have to encounter economics, geography or history again, at least in an academic sense. My notes are still lying around the house. It seems surreal that the happy moment of farewell has come for me and my highlighted, re-edited (after successive mugging periods), cut and paste notes. But something's stopping me from getting rid of them. Partly because I've grown kind of sentimental. And partly because of the environmentalist in me who will be scandalized by the sheer waste of throwing all that paper into the trash. However I'm beginning to recycle some of them but using the blank sides to doodle and jot down holiday wishlists. That's a start.

On a sidenote, the exam papers were rather unsual this year. GP and econs had a distinctly Singaporean-centric slant. I wonder. Human geog was just kinda strange. BUT ITS OVER! And that's what matters!!

Anyway off to read some pract crit notes. See you!
